Citizenship and Immigration Canada update: Sanctions against Iran

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has issued an Operational Bulletin 378 to clarify the extent to which the imposed sanctions on Iran will affect immigration applicants.

Issued Instructions:


“Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) offices in Canada and overseas are instructed to continue processing applications for permanent and temporary residence of Iranian nationals and persons residing in Iran, to visa issuance, as per normal office procedure. In cases where applicants need to show that they can or have transferred funds to Canada, such as for federal Investor class applicants who are required to make their $400,000 or $800,000 investment, applicants should be informed that they may face restrictions in transferring funds to a Canadian financial institution and should be referred to the text of the sanctions Regulations. The same information should be provided to all other applicants at visa issuance.”

Government of Canada: Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations

Citizenship and Immigration Canada: Operational Bulletin 378 – January 20, 2012  – Sanctions against Iran

Should you require more information on the subject, please get in touch with us.